Receiving Communion
An open invitation to receive communion
The Episcopal Church invites all who are drawn to our Lord’s table to receive the blessed bread and wine, whether you are from a Protestant, Roman Catholic or Orthodox background. To receive, come forward to the altar rail when the usher indicates and either kneel or stand. Hold out your hands for the bread; help guide the chalice to your lips by grasping the base of the chalice. If you wish to come forward to receive a blessing rather than the bread and wine, indicate that desire as well by crossing your arms over your chest.
Children and communion
We leave this decision to families. One approach is to regard communion as a sharing at the family table, where children are as welcome as any family member to eat and drink. Another perspective is to wait until children can understand the significance of the decision before receiving communion. Regardless, in second grade, children are educated about communion, with a special day of recognition in the spring.
Mobility or Physical Disability
While most of our facility is accessible to persons with mobility or physical disabilities (entrance, fellowship hall, bathroom), unfortunately getting to the altar rail is not. If for any reason you are not able to come to the altar rail but would like to receive communion, please indicate this to an usher, and ministers will bring you communion.